domingo, 18 de enero de 2015

Blog presentation

Hello. Today I start this little (or big) career with the illusion that you can help others and help me. For several years I follow several blogs on bag and long-term investment and wanted to put my two cents creating a forum for coordinated review.
All blogs I still have very similar structure, there are a blogger who writes about long entries and a number of favorable or unfavorable to what is said there comments. My idea is to make short entries without established frequency (as they're happening news) and leave a wide field of debate through comments.
The first thing I would like to make clear is that this blog do not do to give information to receive much critical opinions. I like criticism. There I see some of the problems most of the blogs I read. A hard for people to accept criticism, and more on issues that have to do with your pocket. There seems we are always doing the right thing, and sometimes it does not.
I wanted to name this blog with the words "talk", "future" and "stock market" because they seem to reflect what is intended. It is not doing fundamental analysis or technical companies, that's why there are other great blogs and websites. I intend to discuss about the past, present and especially the future of the stock market, the economy and our investments.
This is what I would like. Now it's your turn ...

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